Mid Twenties Style

Finding My Personal Style

Graduating college and entering the real world, you lose about half of your wardrobe. Gone are the tiny tops from Shein, the skin tight dresses worn to semi and date parties, and the jean shorts that probably should have been thrown out two years ago. 

Now in the mid-twenties category, it can be surprisingly challenging to figure out what to wear. I want to dress my age without wearing something skimpy, and don’t want to look like a 32-year-old mother on her day away from the kids.

But finding your style is a constantly evolving process that we really never reach the end of. While we might narrow down what we like and what fits us best, new trends and influences will cause us to keep making changes to our wardrobes. Whatever life stage you’re in, it’s fun to find new pieces that you feel fit where you’re at.

Something I find myself drawn to are basics pieces I can mix and match. After I made the discover of Aritzia when shopping at Northpark in Dallas, it quickly became one of my favorite stores. While some items can be pricey, a lot of their basic pieces, especially the contour collection, are reasonable priced for good quality. You can’t go wrong with a solid color bodysuit that will get tons of wear. 

Some people like to stick to certain aesthetics when picking out clothes, and while I admire the dedication, I think it’s more fun to just go after whatever you’re feeling that moment. Still try and dress in what looks best on you, including being aware of certain colors and cuts, but besides that if something catches your eye that surprises you, give it a shot. This is how your style continues to evolve and upgrade. 

Pulling some inspiration from some of my favorite TV shows, both Sex and The City and Friends are known for their fashion.  From SATC, Carrie and Charlotte seem to align the most with my personal style. Seeing them in their early 30s and later into this decade and still look, in the words of Carrie, fabulous, gives me some hope for what my adult wardrobe can be.

As for Friends, we all know the early seasons of Monica and Rachel are the pinnacle of 90s fashion, and something the I’m drawing from heavily lately. With the show starting in their mid-twenties, it’s the perfect reference for me trying to navigate this new category. A lot of their outfits are also, in a way, timeless, and if replicated today wouldn’t be batted an eye at. Give me season one through four Racheal Green’s closet and I’d be set.  

More recently when it comes to my style, I’ve found myself drawn to dresses. When I go scroll through my favorite online stores to window shop, I click on dresses rather than tops or jeans. All lengths, all colors and all cuts have been catching my eye. 

Throwing on a dress and going about your day is so effortless, yet gives you the look of having it all together, even if you feel like you don’t. While on the journey of figuring out my style, dresses have cemented themselves in the rotation. 

It’s so easy (especially with targeted ads, thanks Instagram) to find dresses that are versatile enough to get plenty of wear, and that I can see myself liking for a while. Not only this, but I love the femininity of them, something that girls can always count on to feel pretty and classic.

Below are some dresses that I’ve been eyeing recently, some for every occasion. I aspire to be the girl who always looks put together, even if just in an athletic outfit. I still have plenty of time to figure out my style, but in the meantime I enjoy shopping around to figure it out!


This is 24


The post grad journey