A Little Bit of Everything
How journalism helped Graham Hadley reach his dreams in every aspect
Graham Hadley, 51, sits at his desk in his Pell City office. The windows computer that he built sits on his desk, holding all of his writing. A 32’ monitor sits on the other side, housing the design aspect of Hadley’s job. A table sits in the room covered in camera gear and notes, making for a typical journalism office feel.
Partners by Design was founded by Hadley and his partner Carol Pappas after they both decided to leave The Daily Home, a newspaper in Talladega, Alabama. The path to journalism for Graham Hadley wasn’t a straight one, but this career field allowed him to reached his dreams and grow into the person he is today.
Hadley grew up in Orlando, Florida. His father was an attorney causing him to be surrounded by politics for most of his childhood. “It was a very influential part of my life that I really didn’t pay much attention to until I got into college,” he said.
Hadley got his first taste of journalism from the vigorous writing curriculum of central Florida schools. He remembered turning in papers at the end of every week that included college level writing. “There was lots of writing there but I never really thought about it,” he said.
He even published a book with his friend for their gifted senior seminar project, “It was self-published. We sold every one of them,” Hadley recalled, “I can’t believe we got away with that.” Even with this experience under his belt, journalism wasn’t the major that he started out with.
“I was always doing art and design, so architecture seemed to be the natural plan.” Hadley started in the summer design term, where as a student all three of your major design assignments were done in one summer.
However, this amount of work led to him leaving the program, “I have yet to know anyone who did this [term] and stayed in architecture,” he laughed.
Pre-Med was the next major he chose, staying on the biology route, “I was good at art and science and math. So, there was a lot of doors open.” In all of the course that he took, he always found himself writing, “Journalism never occurred to me as a viable occupation.”
Third times the charm, and after two majors, Hadley made the final switch to journalism. “I really didn’t like school until I was in journalism. I loved everything about it.”
After jumping around from different majors, Hadley ending up taking a year off. Moving back to Orlando, he got married and juggled an array of jobs in the real world. “This determined two things: I really wanted my degree, and I was never going to live in Florida again,” he laughed.
Hadley came back into journalism with a very different perspective and began working towards his future. He joined The Plainsmen, the Auburn University student paper. “I was able to write, I was a good copyeditor, I could do layout and design. Literally anything they could throw in front of me I could do,” he said confidently.
Halfway through Hadley’s last term, his first son was born. With a family now in tow, the internship hunt became more localized. “I wanted to find something that would roll over into a job,” moving around with his family wasn’t an option anymore as he wanted things to be stable for them.
Carol Pappas, also an Auburn grad, then reached out with an interview at The Daily Home in Talladega, Alabama. Hadley was hired on the spot, and three weeks later was offered a job on the news desk as a copyeditor.
While working at this newspaper Hadley did exactly what he wanted: a little of it all. Three additions, six days a week, Hadley used the raw material given to him and made it ready for press. Copyediting, layout and design were just some of the things that he got to experience fresh out of his internship with his new job.
“He always gives 110%,” Pappas said when talking about Hadley’s work ethic, “He’s multi-talented. He’s got rare talent.” From hiring him to being business partners today, Pappas got a front row seat to see Hadley grow into the journalist he is now.
Today Hadley resides in Pell City, still helping run Partners by Design with Pappas. They help provide both graphic design and website services to their clients and anyone who reaches out. Hadley also helps design and create local publications, such as LakeLife Magazine.
The business flourishes and holds many different faces, something neither of them expected to see, including retail and public relations.
“It’s nice with all the public relations that we do that we still have our own products and can be our own journalists at the end of the day,” Hadley said.
“It’s been a great collaborative experience,” Pappas said, “We bring different skill sets to the table. Together we make a great team.”
While Hadley never thought he would end up here, he does everything for the business with passion, and continues to take steps forward in his career.